
Welcome to the blog. My name is Ace or as some may know me on YouTube - Swing4TheRing. I aim to help both the would-be pirate as well as the everyday treasure hunter who has an interest in the hobby of metal detecting. Who’s ready to get dirty?

Top 10 Metal Detecting Secrets

Top 10 Metal Detecting Secrets

Metal Detecting Secrets

Ever wondered what separates the casual detectorist from the true treasure hunter? It’s all about knowing the secrets—those little nuggets of wisdom that turn an average day of digging into a jackpot. 

The more secrets you know, the more the treasure will flow. Photo credit: Immo Wegmann - Unsplash

I’ve spent countless hours swinging my detector, digging up everything from rusty nails to shiny coins, and I’m here to spill the beans on some little-known tips and tricks. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been swinging your detector for years, these top 10 metal detecting secrets are guaranteed to up your game and uncover treasures you never thought possible.

Ready to dig deeper? Let’s dive in!

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1. Research Like a Historian

Research books from my personal collection help me look in to the past. Photo credit: Ace Covey

Here’s the deal: the best treasures aren’t hiding in every single random field—they’re in places where people gathered decades (or even centuries) ago. Before heading out, I dig through old maps, history books, and online archives to pinpoint locations of long-gone schools, fairgrounds, and homesteads. Trust me, a little homework can turn a ho-hum hunt into a jackpot.

2. Don’t Underestimate Trashy Spots

I know—who wants to detect where there’s a sea of bottle caps and pull tabs? But hear me out. Trashy spots often mean high traffic areas, and where there were people, there’s a good chance they dropped something valuable. I’ve pulled silver dimes and gold rings out of places other detectorists skipped over. Patience pays off.

3. Use the Right Coil for the Job

Sniper coils like this one for the Minelab Equinox can help pick out valuable targets in very trashy areas. Photo credit: Amazon

Here’s a secret weapon: your search coil. Small coils are perfect for trashy areas (see secret #2), while larger coils help cover wide open spaces faster. I’ve got a stash of coils for different terrains, and swapping them out has made a huge difference in what I find.

4. Learn Your Detector Inside and Out

Knowledge Means Treasure

Knowing your equipment inside and out will help any detectorist to increase their odds of digging more treasure and less trash on every hunt.

This one’s a game-changer. Your detector isn’t just a beep machine—it’s a treasure-hunting tool with settings and features designed to help you succeed. Take time to learn how to adjust sensitivity, discrimination, and ground balance. I’ve found that when I truly “listen” to my detector, it tells me exactly what’s under the coil.

5. Go Where Others Won’t

Sometimes you have to be willing to go out deeper and potentially mucky areas to pull out treasure that others aren’t willing to venture too. Photo credit: Ace Covey

One of my favorite tricks? Heading to the places most people overlook—like thorny woods, muddy creeks, or steep hillsides. Sure, it takes more effort, but these spots are often untouched by other detectorists. I’ve unearthed relics in places that seemed impossible to search.

6. The Power of Permissions

Talking to neighbors, especially those with old homes or farms, is a great way to open up some new places to metal detect. Photo credit: Erika Fletcher - Unsplash

If you’re only detecting public parks, you’re missing out. Asking permission to detect on private property—like old farms or historic homes—has led to some of my best finds! Be polite, explain your hobby, and offer to split any treasures. It’s amazing how often people say yes.

7. Start Early or Stay Late

Nothing beats a peaceful metal detecting session right as the sun is setting. Photo credit: Ace Covey

Metal detecting isn’t just about where you hunt—it’s also about when. I’ve had the most luck early in the morning or just before sunset when parks are empty and the sun isn’t blazing down. Plus, you avoid curious onlookers asking, “Find anything good?” every five minutes.

8. Keep a Treasure Log

Start a Log Book

You can easily create your own, make an excel spreadsheet, or pick up a pre-made one online.

This might sound nerdy, but I keep a detailed log of my hunts. I jot down where I detected, what I found, and any interesting notes. Over time, this has helped me spot patterns—like which areas consistently produce good finds. It’s also fun to look back on my adventures from time to time.

9. Invest in Quality Accessories

A good digger, a sturdy finds pouch, and a reliable pinpointer are worth their weight in gold. When I first started out, I used a flimsy trowel and spent way too much time fumbling around for targets. Upgrading my gear made detecting so much more enjoyable.

10. Patience and Persistence Pay Off

Just a handful of gold rings I’ve found over the years. Photo credit: Ace Covey

Here’s the ultimate secret: metal detecting is a marathon, not a sprint. Some days you’ll strike out, and other days you’ll hit the jackpot. The key is to keep swinging, keep digging, and stay optimistic. Every beep is a new possibility, and that’s what makes this hobby so addictive!

Now You Know

So there you have it—my top 10 secrets for making the most of your metal detecting adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, these tips can help you unearth more treasure and have more fun along the way. 

Knowing these secrets isn’t just about improving your finds; it’s about unlocking the full potential of the hobby. By understanding where to search, how to optimize your gear, and how to approach the hunt with a mix of research and determination, you’ll not only find more treasure but also enjoy the thrill of the chase on a whole new level. 

Now, grab your detector and get out there—who knows what’s waiting beneath the surface?

So go out there and remember to “Swing4TheRing!”
— Ace Covey
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