5 “Must Have” Essential Tools Needed For Metal Detecting
If you are looking to start a new hobby, it can be pretty overwhelming trying to figure out all of the things you will need in order to just get started.
For anyone looking to start metal detecting as a hobby, there are 5 “must have” essential tools you will need in order to be successful and enjoy the hobby of metal detecting to its fullest:
Metal Detector
Digging Tool
Finds Bag
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Metal Detector
It goes without saying, but if you want to enjoy the hobby of metal detecting you will undoubtedly need a metal detector.
Now, here is the best kept secret when it comes to choosing a metal detector… IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THE MOST EXPENSIVE ONE ON THE MARKET!!!
Garrett Ace 250
The Garrett ACE 250 model is a great, affordable, lightweight detector for beginners but is also equipped with more advanced settings for experienced detectorists.
For just $200, you can have a great metal detector like the Garrett Ace 250 that will take you on adventures that you would never have imagined, looking for treasure, and uncovering history at every turn!
These less expensive models will not have all the bells and whistles that some of the more expansive metal detectors may feature, but that is okay because they will find metal just like the “big boys,” and that’s all you need it to do.
Recommended Metal Detectors Under $600:
Then, it is up to you if you are willing to dig the targets that it responds to, so that you truly will know what is buried in the ground beneath your coil. Many people with very expensive metal detectors pass up all sorts of great signals and targets that can end up being amazing treasures!
Do your research on the various types of metal detectors that are on the market and get the one that suits your interests and budget the most.
Personally, I like to recommend the Garrett AT Pro because it is extremely versatile, durable, user friendly, and still falls within a friendly budget when it comes to purchasing a metal detector for hobby use.
I also have personally owned the AT Pro for 7+ years, have found many great treasures with it since then, and continue to use it to this day because it is a trusted metal detector that I know will help me get the job done.
Digging Tool
You won’t be able to get by with only a metal detector if you want to be successful in the hobby of metal detecting as most items will be buried.
In order to help you retrieve your newly found targets, you’ll need some type of digging tool as the majority of items will have sunk below the ground’s surface and if you hope to retrieve them, a digging tool is a “must have” essential tool to add to your metal detecting arsenal.
Cutting the perfect plug with your digging tool will allow you to get in to the dirt as you begin to excavate your newly found treasure.
Remember that you’ll be carrying your digging tool around with you as you metal detect, so you’ll want something that is not only effective (cuts through the soil well), but also something that you don’t mind lugging around all day.
A hand digger such as a Grave Digger Sidekick (pictured above) or a Lesche digging trowel makes for a great digging tool as you can get a sheath to attach to your belt to put them in and they have small form factor which makes them ideal and easy to carry.
There are plenty of options when it comes to selecting a digging tool and often times I find that traveling lighter is better when metal detecting, but the tool you select has to be able to cut in to the ground, so make sure to select one that is quality and well built.
If you are going metal detecting, having a pinpointer will save you loads of time and keep you from having plenty of headaches when trying to locate your targets in your perfectly cut plugs which is why it makes for another “must have” tool when metal detecting.
A pinpointer may not seem like it is a necessary item to get when you decide to invest in your first pieces of metal detecting gear, but trust me, it could very well be the reason you decide to stick with your new found hobby.
Nokta Makro Waterproof Pinpointer
The Nokta Makro Nokta Pointer is a sleek pinpointer essential for any treasure hunt. It has 3 different target alerts and is waterproof up to 1m.
A decent pinpointer such as the Nokta Makro Pointer will cost you around $99, but for that price you are getting a great pinpointer that is waterproof, has sensitivity adjustments, an LED light, and even a “lost alarm” feature in case you left the pinpointer on the ground at your last target location but then forgot it and continued to metal detect.
If you choose not to get a pinpointer, it may be the reason you decided to QUIT the hobby before really giving it a chance due to all the frustrations you’ve had not being able to locate your targets, even after cutting and flipping over your plugs. Save yourself the headaches and Tylenol by just getting yourself a pinpointer!
Finds Bag
Inevitably you will need a place to put all of you new found treasure which is why having a finds bag is another “must have” essential when metal detecting.
In all honesty, your finds bag doesn’t have to be fancy or official. It just needs to get the job done. When I first started out in the hobby, I actually used a Crown Royal bag.
My first ever metal detecting finds bag was actually a Crown Royal bag. Photo Credit: Robin - Cupid’s Supply Closet
I know what you’re thinking and yes, those little purple cloth drawstring bags that a bottle of Crown Royal typically would come in and you know what? IT WORKED!
After some time, I decided to opt for something with a few more pockets to help sort & separate my trash from my treasure while metal detecting during the day.
Some alternative options for finds bags include:
A tool pouch
An apron
A backpack
A fishing vest
A Garrett’s keepers box
Regardless of what you choose for a finds bag, having something that is functional for your style of metal detecting is important and just one more reason that makes having a finds bag another “must have” thing when it comes to going metal detecting.
Perhaps the most overlooked “must have” essential tool, but I would argue is one of the most important accessories to have when metal detecting is a good pair of gloves.
Leathercraft Handyman Work Gloves
Protect your hands when you’re out digging for treasure while metal detecting with a good pair of work gloves.
Having gloves on while metal detecting will help protect you from all sorts of issues and dangers that can arise while you're out digging for treasure.
So often I have been digging for my target and pawing my fingers through the dirt only to scrape them on a shard of rusty metal, piece of broken glass, or even jagged roots. Lucky for me I was wearing gloves (as I always do when metal detecting) and they kept my hands protected and certainly saved me from a trip to Urgent Care.
For that very reason, I strongly recommend a pair of gloves as a “must have” thing to have when metal detecting. I don’t want to be the one that has to say “told ya’ so” should something unfortunate happen if you choose not to wear them.
Water/Snacks (Bonus Item)
Let’s face it, metal detecting can turn in to a pretty addictive hobby and you may just find yourself out DIGGING FOR TREASURE ALL DAY LONG! Well then… you’re bound to get hungry.
For that very reason, I wanted to include a bonus “must have” item to the list. FOOD & WATER!
Pack plenty of snacks for your metal detecting adventures. Photo Credit: Nico Smit - Unsplash
Having food and water or something to drink will help you keep going while spending all day digging out in the field for those amazing relics and shinny bits.
Not only will it help provide the energy you need to dig “just 1 more target,” but will also keep you well hydrated during those hot summer days under the sun.
Stay hydrated when metal detecting on those hot days! Photo Credit: Houston Max - Unsplash
Don’t forget to bring water! Nobody wants to get heat exhaustion, so it is important to drink up and take necessary breaks when needed.
On days when it is just too hot to dig in the dirt, consider using your metal detector in the water (provided it is waterproof) so that you can cool off and enjoy a day at the beach.
Having the right equipment and accessories no matter what hobby you choose is very important and can play a vital role in the overall experience and enjoyment that you have while partaking in it.
Metal detecting is no exception and that is why having these 5 “must have” things that were listed in this article will help and keep you coming back to detect time and time again!
What are some “must have” things on your list when you venture out looking for treasure?
“So go out there and remember to “Swing4TheRing!””
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