All tagged Tools

5 “Must Have” Essential Tools Needed For Metal Detecting

If you are looking to start a new hobby, it can be pretty overwhelming trying to figure out all of the things you will need in order to do it successfully. Metal detecting is no exception and the amount of gear and accessories are limitless. But what if I told you with only 5 essential tools, you’d have everything needed to be a rockstar "detectorist" in the hobby?

What Is Magnet Fishing?

If you want to try a relatively new hobby that can yield some pretty interesting treasures and doesn’t cost much in terms of equipment, then magnet fishing may just be for you! Find out everything you need in order to be successful - from places to start magnet fishing to items you may expect to catch on the end of your magnet.

Do I Need A Pinpointer?

If you are out enjoying the hobby of metal detecting and trying to locate your target that is hidden in the dirt, then having a pinpointer will certainly be a beneficial tool to help aid you with that task and you’ll want to make sure it’s part of your metal detecting arsenal. Not only will a pinpointer help you locate your target, but a pinpointer will also provide several other advantages as well.